Can someone please add 6 more weeks to the summer?

Can someone please add 2 weeks each to June, July, and August?

It seems between the weather, work, school, and the National Guard this is not going to be a good season for me.  I got a March Dive in.  The April flew past… Then May… Now I’m away for training, will have a 3 week break, then more training.  I hope next summer will be better.

I could look at this as a sign to scratch up the money for a dry suit, but the school thing also equates to a lack of random extra money.

I have gotten my techBuddy from the Blue Buddy Kickstarter but so far it has remained as dry as I have.  The interface and construction look great.

bluebuddy – Kickstarter compleeted

The bluebuddy has finished its Kickstarter campaign with about 1.5 their target funding.

I ended up pledging for the techbuddy.  It was a little more but didn’t need to worry about exceeding it’s range ever.  I am a little disappointed with the extra features in their app.  Most iOS using divers have been using Diving Log 5 for some time and there is nothing convincing enough about this device to convince me to change over and having the extra app seems a bit odd.  That being said they do state that they use the BLE API for the data exchange.  This might be something to look into deciphering how they implemented the pairing and communication and see what other logging apps might support downloading from this device.

bluebuddy – Wireless Bluetooth 4.0 LE scuba diving logger

Just a quick note about a new SCUBA gadget I’ve backed on Kickstarter.

This little gadget is a non displaying dive profile recorder just to be used to quickly copy your profile to your iOS device where you can share it with your friends.

Update [January 23, 2013 at 12:26 am]: The bluebuddy has been funded.  Another thing to sit in my kickstarter menu and wait for the day I get to go hands on.

Star Citizen

This isn’t SCUBA related but I really like this project and would like to see it well funded.

There are 11 days left of crowd funding for Star Citizen.  They are funded and the project is being undertaken by veterans of the gaming industry.  The more they get pledged the more features will be available at launch.  To sweeten the pot they are now running a contest for recruiting other supporters.  So if this sounds like a game for you please use my recruiter link and earn both of us a chance at some cool prizes as well as hoping to make what looks to be a great game even better. [edit: dead link]